Why Objective Measured Parameters are Critical and Practical for the TMD Occlusal Treatment

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I am not into academic studies, but more into clinical reality and practical treatment outcomes since that is what many of my TMD patients as well as TMD forum folks here are looking for.

We are very familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of EMG monitoring. We also know the strengths and weakness of occlusion. TMD patients who present with joint derangement, masticatory dysfunction and pain benefit from healthy supportive occlusal schemes. Those TMD patients who have poor masticatory function, guarded terminal contacting ability when occluding, low velocity during functional terminal contacting ability and imbalanced muscle forces at terminal contact will show abnormal EMG muscle activity. Quality of terminal contacting ability and quality of balance during moments of occluding surface contacts gives insightful diagnosis of ones proprioceptive responses as they related to a TMD patient problems – stable or not stable can also be monitored objectively to define one’s occlusal management.

Optimal healthy function vs. pathologic dysfunction/ impairment to the complete postural system of the body are all correlated, this is what is involved in the study of both gnathic and neuromuscular concepts in dentistry.

Clayton Dentistry


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Why Objective Measured Parameters are Critical and Practical for the TMD Occlusal Treatment